Az Erdőmentők, valamint a litván és lett Tolkien Társaságok közös szervezésében szeretnénk meghívni Téged egy tíznapos nyári táborra Litvániában, mely az Európai Unió Erasmus+ Ifjúsági Csereprogramja támogatásának köszönhetően ingyenes. A tábor fókuszában a más kultúrák megismerése, az ebből eredő lehetőségek és konfliktusok kezelése, a környezetvédelem, és a klímaváltozás áll, szerepjátékos (LARP) és interaktív közösségi formában. A tábor munkanyelve az angol lesz, így annak magasfokú és aktív ismerete elengedhetetlen. Ha felkeltettük az érdeklődésedet, olvass tovább, és a jelentkezési linket is megtalálod!
Erdőmentők, and the Lithuanian and the Latvian Tolkien Societies invite you to a summer camp in Lithuania this year! The Erasmus+ funded (that is, completely free) event will take place in Lithuania between 13-22 July. Its focus will be finding solutions for the problems the EU faces today, such as migration, climate change, cultural clashes, and environmental protection. We will do this in a setting inspired by the works of Tolkien and real historical scenarios, such as the Late Roman Empire, and episodes from the shared histories of Hungary, Lithuania and Latvia. It’s an opportunity to meet new people, learn how cultures are born and how they affect our lives, and find a way to live together with your neighbours. Build fortifications, make costumes and weapons, develop fictional cultures and showcase it all in a live-action roleplaying (LARP) game!
Before the Dothraki were even an idea, there were the Rohirrim – the horse-lords of Middle-earth. You might be familiar with them from The Lord of the Rings movies, and this summer you will have a unique opportunity to experience life in the land of Rohan for a week.
The event is open to participants aged between 13 and 30 years old and is absolutely free. However, spaces are strictly limited to 20 people from each participating country, so if you wish to participate, we ask you to fill in the form (link to form: The form will be open until the 1st of April, or until we get at least 40 applications, whichever comes later. We will let you know if you are selected within two weeks after the application closes.
The project is funded by a grant via the European Commission’s Erasmus+ programme. All information presented here represents only the view of the project organizers and cannot be considered as a statement of position by the European Commission or the Erasmus+ programme.
For more information, feel free to reach out to Tibor Tarcsay at
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